Saturday, September 29, 2018

Working Momma

This is my final night as a SAHM. 

I have added a part time job to my Mom life.

Thankfully I found a job that’ll work with my schedule. The beauty of it is, I can still stay home with my boys during the day!

I’ll be working when hubby comes home and only a couple nights a week.

I am a mess of emotions about it!!! I haven’t worked in 3 years! I stopped work during my last trimester my first pregnancy.

I am glad to be able to get out the house and focus on something other than wiping butts & fetching snacks. (I know I do way more than that, but sometimes it feels like that’s all I accomplish in a day). Some more adult interaction definitely is welcomed. It’ll also feel good knowing I’m contributing financially to the family again as well. It was a hard adjustment for me to stop working (outside the house) all together, because I’ve worked since I was 18! I’ve always had an income.

It’s going to be weird until I get my feel of things. Especially having to pump breast milk at work. But I’ll figure it all out (just like every other mother who’s working & pumping). It’s going to be a new journey balancing motherhood with a job. During the days will be as they are now. But sprinkle in a 5-6 hour work day a few times a week. I am already a walking Mombie... so this is going to be interesting! I’m still young-ish & there’s always more caffeine that can be implemented. 😆 All in all I’m excited to start working again & hey, who doesn’t love extra money?!

I will be trying to keep up with the Blog for sure! I still have a lot to fill you in on. Like how horribly my C-section recovery went, & we bought a house! Also, don’t think I’ve forgot to update you on the struggle of my weight loss. But we really did misplace the bathroom scale when we moved & I literally keep forgetting to buy a new one! (I blame Mom-brain!)  As soon as I do an update is on the way! 

Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to follow my Instagram for daily updates!