The last two weeks have probably been the worst two, when it comes to food of my whole pregnancy. I’ve eaten carbs on carbs and sprinkled with more carbs!
You got to admit, that's some beautiful food!
I have been consistent at least, with doing some type of workout 2-3 times a week so I 'm guessing that’s helped me maintain thus far. If I hadn't been I surely would've put on at least 6 lbs or more from the past 2 weeks.
So hopefully me putting it out there for the world to read will help me regain my focus & stick to a healthier pregnancy diet. I have done so good this pregnancy with keeping a lower weight gain. I can’t give up now!
I really don’t want to blow up and gain a ton in these last two months. I know I will gain the most this time of pregnancy because baby is packing on all the fat he needs, but I am perfectly fine with him packing on the pounds, as long as they leave with him when he's delivered & not left remaining on my thighs or belly!
I also need my body to be at its best for labor! I don’t wanna feel bloated and weak while trying to push a baby out. And if the VBAC doesn’t work out, being healthy now will help my recovery from a C-Section.
So today was my last Hoorah! (I have said that a million times, but 2 months of working hard is doable). Tomorrow is a new week and I’m refocusing on lower carb intake & 1800-1900 calories a day. Plus upping my water intake. I will keep my workouts where they are because that's all my body can handle right now. As we all know, nutrition outweighs exercise everyday!
I can do this!!
Have you had a hard time throughout your pregnancy trying to keep your appetite under control?
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