Monday, December 4, 2017

Baby #2 Coming May 2018

I am currently 15 weeks pregnant 💗 My son will be 21 months when this baby is born. We are super excited! Was that my first emotion? No, my husband yes, he was thrilled, me 5,000 different worries rushed through my brain at once. It took a few weeks for me to be able to, breathe. 

The worries, you may ask were a range of things like:

  • OMG! My son is not going to know what is going on he's too young to understand, he's gonna feel betrayed!!!!!!
  • OMG! I'm gonna be cut open again!!!!!
  • OMG!!!! How am I gonna deal with a newborn and a toddler?? Plus my two older kids.
  • OMG! I just lost all the pregnancy weight now I'm gonna be a cow again!
Then I snapped to reality, I am a strong woman, and women have been doing this for centuries! My son is going to LOVE having a little sibling to play with (he is already thrilled when his older siblings are here). And who says I can't try for a VBAC?! Also tending to a newborn and chasing a toddler will make the preggo weight fly off! So just calm your butt down woman!

Here's my little Cupcake 😍

I am very happy y'all!! We're hoping for a baby girl this time, but obviously all that matters is a healthy baby! I can already feel the baby moving and it's starting to get uncomfortable to wear pants. If the old wives tale about a girl stealing her mom's beauty is true, it's surely a girl because I am Mrs. Pimple Face & My hair is shedding horribly. Surely didn't' happen the first time around, but every pregnancy is different, so they say!

I was told by the last hospital I delivered at before, that if I deliver with them again it's an automatic C-Section. (You can read about that experience here:My C-Section Story). But you know what? I'm not down with that!! So we're trying out a new OB/GYN & Hospital and they empower women to try for a VBAC!!! I am so excited! I was rushed along first pregnancy, this time I am gonna take control and let my body do what it was made to do! If a C-Section happens, it'll happen after I have given my body time.

My weight had nothing to do with why I had to have a C-section the first time, but the new Doctor is adamant that a small baby, and a healthy weight gain makes a VBAC more successful. So I am determined to not gain much. I workout and do a Low-Carb diet. I was 205lbs when this pregnancy started, I'm 15 weeks in and I weigh 210. I am pleased with that! I want my snap-back to be on point!! 😉

Another huge goal I have is to wean my son. I have been exclusively breastfeeding him, his whole life. He'll be 16 months old this month. I wanted to give him 2 years. But I cannot tandem feed, more power to the mothers who do it, but this chick does not have the mentality for it! So we are currently down to 1 feeding a day, about an hour before he goes to bed. He's not happy but he's getting use to it. By the end of December I am going to have him completely weaned. That gives Momma 5 months of a break before the newborn is here suckling away. Hopefully, will give baby boy a chance to not be too jealous when new baby is getting and he's not. We shall see.

I will be documenting this pregnancy here, also on my Instagram.
 Feel free to follow, and let's exchange encouragement!

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