Yea, yea your body conforms faster the second time around. Doctors love to say that when you tell them what you're experiencing. Which makes perfect sense but not something you really want to hear when it feels as if your pelvic bone is ripping apart. "Oh it's normal, this is your second pregnancy. Your body does things a lot quicker." Gee, Thanks.
This time around I am also getting HORRIFIC headaches. I'm not a whiner. I don't like to complain. In pregnancy, yes a lot of crazy things happen to a woman's body when she's helping create a new life inside her. So most of it I just try to take it in stride. But these headaches, they're horrible.
I did have some with my first pregnancy. But they were healed by some Tylenol, or some Pregnancy-approved OTC tension headache meds. This time, nothing is helping! Currently since Jan 23rd, I've been struggling with an ongoing headache, today is the 29th. I've only felt semi-normal 1 day last week, and still my head was foggy. I finally broke down and called the Nurse on the 26th because I couldn't take the marching band playing in my head anymore.
My blood pressure has been good, I'm not seeing "floaters" or having blurred vision. But I am having horrible throbbing pain that makes me not be able to move at times. Try coping with that with a toddler running around. So, they told me to come in. They checked the baby heart beat. Checked my Blood Pressure. Checked Urine for Protein. Asked me about all my symptoms. Also took blood to do a Complete Blood Cell count to make sure I wasn't getting sick. Then prescribed me Fioricet. I don't like taking any type of meds. while pregnant, but I have no choice to be able to function this time around. The Fioricet works, until it wears off then like clockwork here's a nightmare of a headache returning. I'm getting 1 or more a day. There's not a day that has passed since last Tuesday that I haven't had a throbbing headache.
Yes, Headaches during pregnancy can be completely normal. Hormones make our bodies do crazy things! But an ongoing headache makes you wonder if something else is wrong.
I feel it's obviously better safe than sorry when you're carrying another life inside you.
So the doctor wants me back this friday for a follow-up. But the Nurse called me today to see how the headaches have been. She said all was well with my blood tests. When I told her, everything I've told you, she relayed it to the doctor, who wants me to take the next step of doing a 24 hour Urine Test. Yay.
This was my Urine Test Package I picked up today from my OB. This will be interesting. Nothing makes you feel sexier than a Jug of your pee in the Fridge. I start tomorrow.
The Instructions are:
1) Pee in the morning, but don't save that pee.
2) Every single time you pee after that pee in the container on the right, and pour it into the jug. Every single time, all day and night.
3) Keep it Cold.
4) When you wake up the next morning DO keep that pee. That's your final collection
5) Turn it into your doctor.
I am also going to have another blood test done. Which my wonderful Sis-n-law who happens to be a labor and delivery nurse, told me it's probably to check my liver, and check my platelets to make sure they're not dropping.
This Pee test is going to monitor for any protein in my pee through the day, to rule out Preeclampsia. I'm really hoping that's not it. They can say that's not it, & write it off as hormonal. Then I'll put my big girl britches on, keep popping my Fioricet as needed, and make it through the rest of the pregnancy (17 more weeks, give or take). Ready to deal with whatever my hormones throw at me next!
I will updated you all with the details on Friday when I have my follow-up visit.
UPDATE 2/3/18:
Well for now we can rule out Preeclampsia which I am thankful for. Headaches are still coming. At least one a day. Today I've had one this morning but it did go away on it's own! Which makes me happy, anytime that I don't have to take medicine is a good thing! My urine test was normal, she said the protein level was at 133, and anything below 150 is normal. The blood test was great as well. It makes me happy that I'm healthy & all the tests came out well. Everything in this pregnancy has been harder, so I guess the headaches are just going to be too. Maybe they'll behave by the third trimester, we'll see!
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