Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lil' L's Birth Story

Today is my son's due date! But his birth date, that actually happened on the 18th! He's almost been out of womb, blessing our lives for a whole week now! I had a scheduled C-section, they planned for it at 39 weeks. You would think that knowing ahead of time that you're going in for a C-section birth, that you would have time to mentally prepare yourself. But I don't think it helps, at least it didn't help my worries & anxiety. This was my second C-section so I knew what to expect & to know it was about to all happen again, didn't put me at any ease. But at 10:20 a.m. this gorgeous 7lb 5oz 20" long boy was pulled out of me & all those fears were finally gone! I did it! He's Here! He's Healthy! You're still alive! YAY!

Yes, it's 100% cliche to say that it was all worth it, but look at him! It was completely worth it. All the pain & discomfort I had my whole pregnancy, worth it. The pain & discomfort during my recovery, worth it. A healthy baby boy was my gift for my pains & I couldn't be happier. 

The actual surgery went very well. It's also fast. I was in there being prepped a little before 10 a.m. & Here he is at 10:20 a.m. I had an awesome team in the OR. They had me very relaxed & confident. Especially the Anesthesiologist. I was beyond nervous about the spinal tap, while she was prepping me all I was doing was praying. That needle in my lower back to numb me was NO FUN! But I got through it, and she was just amazing, she even took our pictures for us! I loved that they lowered the drape so that I could see him, they actually offered to lower so I could watch him being born, but I was not too keen on the idea of watching their hands inside my body, pulling him out! I feel like I would have nightmares! My hubby on the other hand watched every single thing they did to me. I was happy just to see the above.

I also opted to have my tubes removed. Yes, Momma is done having babies, two strong healthy boys in this world is more than I could ask for. I will not go through a 3rd C-section. The type of tubal removal I had is not reversible. The tubes themselves are completely 100% removed, leaving ovaries intact. This helps lower risk of ovarian cancer as well. If this is something you're interested in doing, make sure you are 100% resolved in not having any more children. If you think you will change your mind later, you can get clamped, or tied, which can be reversed. I loved that my doctor kept asking me, even while I was on the table, if I was sure just in case I had changed my mind. Like I said before I was 100% sure, so gone they are! 

I was back in recovery around 10:40 or so, and my hubby was in there with baby as he got his first bath, shots, and other test right there in the recovery room! I was broough in as soon as doctor finished putting me back together! I LOVED being able to go through recovery with baby & hubby in same room! Before all this happened while I was in a room alone for over 30 minutes for my recovery. 

When everything was done I was able to start breastfeeding him & doing skin-to-skin. Little guy was just so tired. He latched at 11:20 a.m. and actually didn't eat again until almost midnight, he was too tired, couldn't get him to stay awake long enough to eat!

Once that appetite hit him though, he couldn't be stopped! The second & third day babies cluster feed to get your milk to come in. He literally went from boob to boob for about 4 hours straight, talk about draining you! Literally! But it paid off because by Sunday my milk came in & he was satisfied!! He is such a chill baby so far, he only cries or gets fussy when something is wrong, and it's amazing! Hoping he keeps such a chill temperament!

My pain level was & still is pretty intense! When I was able to feel my legs again, I had nurses remove my catheter, because I just knew I could walk. My mind was strong. Body, not at all. The pain and heaviness I felt the first time I stood up... There are no words. I was able to walk to bathroom with help of the nurses. Saturday morning I was able to get around a little bit better. But still very slowly & turning over in bed was not happening. I was given Motrin & Percocet. As long as the nurses kept up with my doses on time I was okay. Once it would wear off HELLOOOO PAIN! By Sunday I was moving around pretty good, I couldn't believe it. Also the part no one likes to talk about, the blood loss. Mine had slowed down quite a bit, the nurses were pleased about that. Me too. It's still flowing but no more than a regular cycle. This will continue for another week or so.

Surprisingly we were discharged Sunday. Which was amazing to me. I only spend 2 nights in the hospital. I was even able to slowly walk out the hospital! No wheelchair! (which is hospital policy but there was a wait list to be rolled out and I just wanted to GO!)

Now that I've been home I've been trying to take it as easy as possible. Was told not to lift anything heavier than baby, which isn't realistic when I have a 27 pound toddler to look after, who feels like 100 pounds right now. Thankfully my Hubby has taken a week off from work to be home with me so he's been watching me like a hawk & dealing with the toddler. 

I don't like taking the Percocet unless absolutely necessary because it makes me loopy headed & very sleepy. Like pass out on the couch while breastfeeding and not even realize I'm asleep, sleepy. Overall I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would be, but was reminded by my body Tuesday that I just had two surgeries done, and I need to take it easier. Sometimes when I move it feels like my incision is ripping apart, doctor said that's the "thick stitches inside" the incision. All I know is It hurts horribly. So I have to move slowly when doing, well anything. In a little over a week I go to have incision looked at and bandages removed. Hopefully all is well & I'll be able to get around even better by then. Next week hubby goes back to work & the real fun for me begins, home alone with 2 under 2. May my coffee be stronger than my toddler!

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