If you've been reading my previous blog posts, you know this pregnancy has been completely different and a lot more uncomfortable for me. I am down to the last few weeks now. I cannot believe it's already April, next month my baby boy will be in my arms!
I've been struggling with pelvic pain this pregnancy. Really, it has been the worst part for me. It is an everyday thing, some days a lot worse than others. I had done google searches, and diagnosed myself with SPD. When I had my checkups at the doctor, (my OB that I go to rotates between a few doctors, so I've seen about 5 different ones this pregnancy) they always ask how I'm doing, and I tell them about the pain. Always get the same answer... "Your body responds quicker the 2nd pregnancy, and you'll have more pressure and pain it's normal." Having pain just pressing the brake pedal in the car, or putting on my pants, or walking is not a normal thing. Changing positions in the bed is the WORST, it is a true struggle! I also do stretches, sleep the way articles online suggest & try to move slowly. No relief.
I had an appointment last week. With the very first doctor we met at this practice, who is AMAZING. She's knowledgeable, thorough, and she seems to have your best interests at heart. I told her about the pain, now it had been months since I seen her. When I described the pain & discomfort, she had me lay back and she pressed on the ligament that runs across the front of your pelvis, it connects the two pelvis joints. She said "tell me if this hurts." When she pressed on it, I could've jumped off the table, yea... it hurt! She said "You have SPD." I KNEW IT!!!!!
So what is SPD? This article explains it very well: "Pelvis pain in pregnancy (SPD)"
I knew this wasn't just "normal". She said with some women it gets so bad that they need a walker to walk with. Thankfully I can get around without a walker. The ligament is inflamed and she said if I wasn't pregnant they'd give me a steroid to help the inflammation & have me rest. But as we know preggo's are very limited in the medicines we can take!
But here comes the heartbreaking news I was not in any way ready to hear!!
My first pregnancy was an unplanned C-Section. This time we have been planning the whole time for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Each appointment, each doctor has been backing me & wanting me to do it. I have been hyped the whole pregnancy because I didn't get this experience with my first born. I won't get it this time either. Back under the knife I'll go.
She said she doesn't recommend pushing at all with SPD. The ligament can break, tear, or stretch, & if that happens after labor it could take months to heal properly, which means I wouldn't be able to walk properly & be in pain from it. IF it ever healed properly. My heart sank. C-sections are major, major surgery, & the recovery from them are NO JOKE! My son will be 21 months old when the baby is born, and I also have a 7 & 11 year old that'll be here for the summer. I have to be able to get around. There were a lot of hypothetical's like: IF the baby is small, IF you're dilating, IF you go into labor early. That's too many "if's" for me to be comfortable with. My body didn't go into labor the first time, I was induced... 3 times actually. So it still doesn't know what to do on it's on this time, although I was hoping for the chance. I can't take the risks. So whatever is the safest for baby & I is what I will do. Which, this time around will be another C-section.
When you're told you can't push your baby out, which God made a woman's body to do. It's heartbreaking. Makes you feel like you're body isn't sufficient enough to do what it was made to do! But that's not the way we should feel about ourselves. We have been able to carry a life, and birth it, we're STILL birthing our baby, so what if it's through the help of a surgery? Do you know how AMAZING we are to be able to go through that surgery, which is no easy thing, & our body heal from it, all while we're not able to just lay around & recover. We're taking care of a newborn, and other kids, and a house?! We're strong, strong women to be able to take all that on!!
Every Pregnancy is different.
Every Woman is Different.
Everyone's pain is different.
Every Mom's Journey is different.
At the end of the day, we're all Mom's and we have one hard job of raising good little people! All that matter is we got them here safe & we do our best day to day!
Be sure to follow the blog for updates! Also my Instagram!
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