Saturday, May 26, 2018

PostPartum Goals

5/25/18  Marked be officially being 1 week post partum and thus deciding it’s time to stop having fun, with bad food & get my nutrition back under control. After birth 12lbs fell off. That’s 7 for baby & the rest is fluids. 

1 week Post Partum Weigh-in
I have 20 more pounds to lose to be at my pre-baby weight. Which when I look in the mirror, I don’t feel like it's that much, I guess the absence of the big preggo baby bump is fooling me. The scale slaps me back to reality, it’s 20! 

How do I plan to do this??? What goes in your mouth is THE biggest factor in losing weight. Obviously I cannot workout until completely healed from my C-section, at this point I’m still unable to move in bed without feeling like my stitches are ripping. So yea, it’ll be a while before workouts happen. I go June 1st to have incision checked. But it'll still be internal recovering that keeps me down a while. That’s why my food intake has to be strict with no exceptions to get the good results I want to see. I’d like by end of July to have made a HUGE dent in that 20lbs!

I love doing Low-carb, I have been doing it off and on for the past 4 years. When I stay away from complex carbs (breads, wheats, pasta, sugar, & processed foods) my body feels so much better. No bloat & I can lose weight well & steady. It's just what works for my body. Bread and Rice seem to be the worst for me, I’m bloated for days afterward & it’s not worth it at all.

So I started yesterday & did amazing! Hubby even ordered pizza for dinner, I didn’t partake I had a huge fully loaded salad and was a happy camper! Every non-scale victory small or large is amazing! They add up in the end!

I am keeping a food log as usual on MyFitnessPal if I'm around 1800-1900 calories a day I'm happy with that, and if it's something like fruit or nuts that make me go over by a bit, that's a victory as well. I'm breastfeeding and some days the appetite is just as vicious as when you're pregnant.

As I documented my pregnancy weight gain for y’all, I’ll do my weight-loss updates every few weeks. It holds me accountable sharing this with the public! So check back in a few weeks to see which way the scale moves! 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lil' L's Birth Story

Today is my son's due date! But his birth date, that actually happened on the 18th! He's almost been out of womb, blessing our lives for a whole week now! I had a scheduled C-section, they planned for it at 39 weeks. You would think that knowing ahead of time that you're going in for a C-section birth, that you would have time to mentally prepare yourself. But I don't think it helps, at least it didn't help my worries & anxiety. This was my second C-section so I knew what to expect & to know it was about to all happen again, didn't put me at any ease. But at 10:20 a.m. this gorgeous 7lb 5oz 20" long boy was pulled out of me & all those fears were finally gone! I did it! He's Here! He's Healthy! You're still alive! YAY!

Yes, it's 100% cliche to say that it was all worth it, but look at him! It was completely worth it. All the pain & discomfort I had my whole pregnancy, worth it. The pain & discomfort during my recovery, worth it. A healthy baby boy was my gift for my pains & I couldn't be happier. 

The actual surgery went very well. It's also fast. I was in there being prepped a little before 10 a.m. & Here he is at 10:20 a.m. I had an awesome team in the OR. They had me very relaxed & confident. Especially the Anesthesiologist. I was beyond nervous about the spinal tap, while she was prepping me all I was doing was praying. That needle in my lower back to numb me was NO FUN! But I got through it, and she was just amazing, she even took our pictures for us! I loved that they lowered the drape so that I could see him, they actually offered to lower so I could watch him being born, but I was not too keen on the idea of watching their hands inside my body, pulling him out! I feel like I would have nightmares! My hubby on the other hand watched every single thing they did to me. I was happy just to see the above.

I also opted to have my tubes removed. Yes, Momma is done having babies, two strong healthy boys in this world is more than I could ask for. I will not go through a 3rd C-section. The type of tubal removal I had is not reversible. The tubes themselves are completely 100% removed, leaving ovaries intact. This helps lower risk of ovarian cancer as well. If this is something you're interested in doing, make sure you are 100% resolved in not having any more children. If you think you will change your mind later, you can get clamped, or tied, which can be reversed. I loved that my doctor kept asking me, even while I was on the table, if I was sure just in case I had changed my mind. Like I said before I was 100% sure, so gone they are! 

I was back in recovery around 10:40 or so, and my hubby was in there with baby as he got his first bath, shots, and other test right there in the recovery room! I was broough in as soon as doctor finished putting me back together! I LOVED being able to go through recovery with baby & hubby in same room! Before all this happened while I was in a room alone for over 30 minutes for my recovery. 

When everything was done I was able to start breastfeeding him & doing skin-to-skin. Little guy was just so tired. He latched at 11:20 a.m. and actually didn't eat again until almost midnight, he was too tired, couldn't get him to stay awake long enough to eat!

Once that appetite hit him though, he couldn't be stopped! The second & third day babies cluster feed to get your milk to come in. He literally went from boob to boob for about 4 hours straight, talk about draining you! Literally! But it paid off because by Sunday my milk came in & he was satisfied!! He is such a chill baby so far, he only cries or gets fussy when something is wrong, and it's amazing! Hoping he keeps such a chill temperament!

My pain level was & still is pretty intense! When I was able to feel my legs again, I had nurses remove my catheter, because I just knew I could walk. My mind was strong. Body, not at all. The pain and heaviness I felt the first time I stood up... There are no words. I was able to walk to bathroom with help of the nurses. Saturday morning I was able to get around a little bit better. But still very slowly & turning over in bed was not happening. I was given Motrin & Percocet. As long as the nurses kept up with my doses on time I was okay. Once it would wear off HELLOOOO PAIN! By Sunday I was moving around pretty good, I couldn't believe it. Also the part no one likes to talk about, the blood loss. Mine had slowed down quite a bit, the nurses were pleased about that. Me too. It's still flowing but no more than a regular cycle. This will continue for another week or so.

Surprisingly we were discharged Sunday. Which was amazing to me. I only spend 2 nights in the hospital. I was even able to slowly walk out the hospital! No wheelchair! (which is hospital policy but there was a wait list to be rolled out and I just wanted to GO!)

Now that I've been home I've been trying to take it as easy as possible. Was told not to lift anything heavier than baby, which isn't realistic when I have a 27 pound toddler to look after, who feels like 100 pounds right now. Thankfully my Hubby has taken a week off from work to be home with me so he's been watching me like a hawk & dealing with the toddler. 

I don't like taking the Percocet unless absolutely necessary because it makes me loopy headed & very sleepy. Like pass out on the couch while breastfeeding and not even realize I'm asleep, sleepy. Overall I'm doing a lot better than I thought I would be, but was reminded by my body Tuesday that I just had two surgeries done, and I need to take it easier. Sometimes when I move it feels like my incision is ripping apart, doctor said that's the "thick stitches inside" the incision. All I know is It hurts horribly. So I have to move slowly when doing, well anything. In a little over a week I go to have incision looked at and bandages removed. Hopefully all is well & I'll be able to get around even better by then. Next week hubby goes back to work & the real fun for me begins, home alone with 2 under 2. May my coffee be stronger than my toddler!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Seventh Generation Baby

Our little babies are so innocent, sensitive, helpless, gentle & new when they enter into this world. They depend on us for everything big & small. When it comes to necessary products that we need for them day to day, the last thing you want to worry about is if it’s safe or not. As a mom I try to stick as close to nature as my budget allows for my little boys. I do not want a bunch of chemicals on their fresh new skin!

I was given a baby sample kit from Seventh Generation, for free to test out for my newest addition! I am in love y’all! Seriously the products are great! 

If you haven't heard of Seventh Generation, they are a company that uses plant based ingredients in all their products. From baby goods, to cleaners for your home. They have a full glossary of every single ingredient used in all their products! Takes the guess work out for us!

The wipes are my favorite! A product that contains no Alcohol, Parabens, or Fragrances! They’re hypoallergenic, I can use them all over his body even his face with no worries!! Which came in handy today when he spit-up right after I got him all clean & changed! I grabbed a wipe with no hesitation and wiped his face and neck off, I don't have to worry if it's going to make him break out, or leave a smell behind that will bother his wee little nose! I am a forever fan! I will always have their wipes on hand!

You can always find a good deal on their products at Target or Amazon. If you coupon those deals get even sweeter! If you’re like me every penny counts. I want the best for my baby & my budget! Seventh Generation products will always be on my shopping list!

Monday, May 21, 2018

LavenderSun Co Review!

When it come to shopping for clothes for my boys, I’m a very practical Momma. I want my sons to look fashionable but let’s be real, I’m not paying a fortune for something they’re going to outgrow within a few months! Even if it can be passed down brother to brother! I’m a Stay-at-home Momma on a budget, every purchase has to be a good one! So a romper that costs $30 won’t be happening I don’t care how cute or original it is, I rarely spend that much on stuff for myself & I wear clothes until they fall apart!

I usually shop in store, just so I can feel the fabric & see the quality. Usually comes out cheaper as well, not having to pay shipping & waiting an eternity for it to arrive. Sometimes  online shopping is definitely more convenient, especially when you have to get a newborn & toddler dressed and ready to go out. Exhausting task that is.

When it comes to lounge or play clothes for the boys I will go to department stores and snag some Garanimals or Carters brands for them to wear. I’m simple. But we have our weekly religious meetings & conventions & for these my boys have GOT to look cute! I have been finding awesome deals in-store at Burlington for little suits. Online I haven’t found much that wasn’t way overpriced for their age group, until I came across LavenderSun's Instagram! The prices are AWESOME! So I had to order a piece to test them out! 

Do you see how stinkin’ cute this suit is?!?! Yes, those are Dinosaurs!! We LOVE suspenders on our boys! The cuteness is too real! And $17.95 for a 2-piece suit is an awesome deal! The fabric is a light, breathable cotton blend & it’s very well made! I can’t wait to see my son wear this at our next Convention in July! I have confidence his little bro will be able to make good use out of it as well in the future!

I'm highly pleased & will be ordering from them quite often, especially for their suits! Their clothing matches my wants & needs! Affordability, Durability & they’re Adorable! The orders can take 12-20 days to ship to the US so keep that in mind while ordering. I don’t mind the wait for a great product! Also the shipping is F-R-E-E worldwide! Love me a good deal!

Of course being a Mom of two young boys who can’t have a say-so on what I dress them in yet... I want them to be adorable as long as possible! Before all they want to wear is sweatpants & sneakers! It is so hard to find cute clothes for boys, especially in stores. The girls sections are even always a lot larger than the boys. Do retailers not think we want our boys to be cute when they’re young too? I do! That was another thing that drew me to Lavendersun, they have some really unique, stylish clothing for boys which was refreshing to see & there’s a lot to choose from! I’m in love with all the Star Wars onesies! Go check them out for your kids! You won't be disappointed!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Momma's last Pregnancy

 photos by

As I sit here today sipping my cold coffee (that I reheated only twice so far) while my toddler is by me dancing on the couch to PJ Masks, I find myself reflecting on the past 9 months. I’m approaching the end of my pregnancy journey. Not just the end of this pregnancy journey, but the end entirely, this will be my last pregnancy. 

In 3 days my baby boy will be in my arms! It’s so surreal that the time is finally here. So I’m enjoying & cherishing every little kick, hiccup & cartwheel on my bladder that he does in there, feelings that will never be forgotten. 

I am also enjoying the last few days of being just a Toddler Mom. Things are about to get real up in here! I believe my son knows that there is a change coming. It's funny because he will pul up my shirt and lay his head on my belly. Blow Raspberries, or just pat it & lay his head there. I've never showed him how to do that. I hope that he makes the adjustment to big bro well! I'm a little nervous because he's surely a Momma's boy, & he's had all of my attention almost everyday of his life so far, but now it's time to share Momma!

My friends showered me with love & a maternity shoot! This has been a great last month of pregnancy. Wonderful memories were made. 

Overall if you’ve kept up with my previous blog posts, then you know this has been a very uncomfortable pregnancy for me. But even though it’s been a struggle, it has been a healthy pregnancy overall & in this world that’s a blessing!

I’m having to end this pregnancy with my second C-Section due to SPD. After getting my husbands feelings on the matter, I’ve decided I’m getting my tubes removed. Not tied, or clamped, there's no reversing this procedure! I am 150% sure that's what I want. I will not go through a third C-Section. Being able to bring two healthy boys into this life makes me over the moon happy. It’s not how I pictured my births going but it’s what has had to happen. With this being a planned C-section you would think it helps ease the mind, but for me... not at all. I’m very nervous, scared & anxious. I will be until they have him safely out of me, me all sewn up & the surgery over. Then the fear will be gone.

But it won’t be "easy peasy lemon squeezy" (thanks PJ Masks) from there because, then I face the road to recovery! All while tending to my almost 2 year old & the newborn. Plus it’s summer break & our two oldest kids will be with us. Oh, & did I mention we’re also moving? Yep there’s going to be a lot on our plates for the next few months! Hopefully by the end of Summer we're in a routine & settled!

Us women are some strong beings. I remember a lot of my recovery from the last time & I’m hoping my body remembers to & this time, just maybe, it’ll be a little easier on me. But I’m not banking on that. A cesarean is a MAJOR surgery, plus my tubes will be removed before I’m done as well. So two surgeries at once! My body is going to need the rest that I won’t be able to give it like last time. But all I can do is take it day by day, and pace myself & remember “Woman you were just cut open an a baby was taken out of you, sit down!

As a Mom I feel like everything has to be done ASAP and everyone needs to be happy. I want to help with everything (especially this move). I know though, until I’m completely recovered somethings will just have to wait on me. I will have to shut down my overworking brain, & let my body have it’s time. The last thing I want to do is over do it & end up back in the hospital. No one has time for that!

May 18th, 8am me & hubby will be at the hospital, me getting prepped & ready to welcome to the world our new baby. I will be back to let you know how the C-section goes this time, and what it's like being a Momma of 2 under 2. Thank you for all of the support & love shown this pregnancy!